Discussion of the
Aldinucci, M., Gandin, A. & Sandrelli, F. (2008):
The Mesozoic continental rifting in the Mediterranean
area: insights from the Verrucano tectofacies of Southern
Tuscany (Northern Apennines, Italy). In: International
Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau), vol.
97, pp. 1247-1269, Springer Verlag.
I regard it as necessary to comment the paper
mentioned above, because I think that some facts stated
there should better be rectificated.
I also studied geological formations at the
stratigraphic base of the Tuscan Domain, which are
interpreted in that paper as indicative of initial
(middle Triassic) rifting between Adria and
Europe-Corsosardinia. My comments refer essentially to
the ages, geological relations and lithostratigraphy of
the Civitella marittima Formation and the Monte Quoio
Formation described on the pages 1252-1254 of that paper.
Page 1250, Figure 2:
- Parts of the caption and the legend of the figure
providing a palaeogeographic overview - a modified
excerpt from Figure 3.7 in Stampfli & Borel (2004:
66) - are not acceptable, when compared with the
- The abbreviation Ap (Apulia s. str.) is not
- The abbreviation Mr (Mrzlevodice forearc) is
confounded with the abbreviation Mi (Mirdita
autochton); and autochton should better be
spelled autochthon.
- The abbreviations To and Ma mean according to
Table 3.1 in Stampfli & Borel (2004: 58-59)
Talea Ori and Mani, and not Troodos ophiolite and
middle Atlas, as written in the legend of Figure
It is astonishing that such confusion occurs in a
paper dealing mainly with palaeogeography.
- The term Upland in the legend is of geographical
meaning and seems unusual in a legend consisting of
geological terms.
Page 1251, Figure 4, right part:
The arrangement of the formations in the lower part of
the lithologic column of the "Verrucano-bearing
successions" concerning the southern middle Tuscan
Ridge is doubted according to the reasons mentioned below
in detail.
Page 1252, left column:
Aldinucci et al. (2008a) write that "the
Civitella marittima Formation rests unconformably upon
various Permian-Lower Triassic p.p. sedimentary rocks and
is referred ..... to the Early-?Middle p.p. Triassic on
the basis of its stratigraphic position." Regarding
the age attributions given here, a different point of
view is maintained because of the following reasons:
- The age at the top of the stratigraphic footwall
of the Civitella marittima Formation - consisting
of the Poggio al Carpino Formation and the upper
part of the Carpineta Formation - is considered
as late Carboniferous due to the reasons
explained in detail in Engelbrecht (2008:
293-296) and to the substantial age
determinations given in Pasini (1980) concerning
the Farma Formation (Bashkirian-Moscovian), which
stratigraphically underlies the upper part of the
Carpineta Formation (Engelbrecht 2008). Pasini
(1980: 328: 5. paragraph) stated that because of
the relative uniform middle Carboniferous age
range of the microfauna found in the Farma
Formation, reworking into considerable younger
epochs seems contradictory (literally:
"Tuttavia la relativa uniformità
cronologica dei fossili nei singoli affioramenti
sembra in contrasto con lipotesi di un
rimaneggiamento in epoche significativamente
successive"). It does no justice to M.
Pasini, when Aldinucci et al. (2008c: 594: right
column, 1. paragraph) cite him at this point as
follows: "....that the possible reworking of
fusulinids was supposed even by Pasini himself,
although this Author finally ruled out this
possibility (cf. Pasini, 1980: 328)". In
addition, it is rather improbable that beside M.
Pasini, also R. Redini, T. Cocozza, R. Signorini,
G.-B. Vai and other geologists errored several
times so fundamentally in their predominantly
undivided general age classifications
(Carboniferous) of the Farma- and Carpineta
- No Permian in-situ fauna has been detected up to
now in the Farma Formation, considered as
middle-late Permian by Aldinucci et al. (2008c);
this datum depends exclusively on their described
sporomorphs. Despite the fact that the late
Permian is known as epoch of rising biotic crises
(Condie, K. C. & Sloan, R. E. 1998), marine
fauna assemblages from that time interval were
found in the nearby subsurface of Monte Amiata
(Pandeli & Pasini 1990), at Monte Facito
(Ciarapica et al. 1990) as well as in Sicily (Vai
2001), Croatia-Bosnia (Pasini 1982: 180) and in
Tunisia (Skinner & Wilde 1967).
- Pasini & Winkler Prins (1981) found late
Viséan to early Namurian brachiopods in the
lower part of the Carpineta Formation, which
stratigraphically underlies the Farma Formation
(Engelbrecht 2008), and mentioned no signs of
redeposition of this macrofauna. Ferraresi &
Pasini (1996) confirm the Carboniferous age
attribution of the Carpineta Formation. Therefore
the Carpineta Formation cannot be attributed to
the late Permian as proposed by Aldinucci et al.
(2008b: 570-572).
- The formation group (Poggio al Carpino Formation,
Carpineta Formation, Farma Formation, San Antonio
Limestone Formation and equivalents, Spirifer
Schist Formation) considered by Engelbrecht
(2008) as Carboniferous in age displays a
characteristic and uniform colour spectrum: light
grey, grey, dark grey, dark brown, grey black and
black. This fact points to constant and
persistent depositional conditions during one
single period. It seems rather improbable that
very similar lithologies and colours reappear
after an unconformity covering ca. 40 Million
years as postulated by Aldinucci et al. (2008b:
571, 576).
- At the San Antonio Mine area, no arguments were
found which, support the hypothesis of the
olistolitic origin of the San Antonio Limestone
and the existence of a palaeokarst-surface at its
top. A stratigraphic contact has been observed
between the Spirifer Schist Formation (late
Carboniferous) and the Civitella marittima
Formation (Engelbrecht 2008: 295: Figure 3). This
fact excludes the proposed Permian age of the
Farma- and Carpineta Formations (Aldinucci et al.
- At Contrada Carpineta, the stratigraphic passage
between the top of the late Carboniferous
Carpineta Formation and the Civitella marittima
Formation is gradual and is interpreted as weak
erosional unconformity (Engelbrecht 1997: 64:
Fig. 52). Equivalent stratigraphic passages exist
near the confluence of Fosso Cavoni and Torrente
Farma, at P 183 and in the upper parts of Fosso
al Verde and Fosso Pianaccia.
- According to U-Pb-radiometric data from detrital
zircons present in metagreywackes of the Farma
Formation revealed that the maximum depositional
age of that formation is set to 347-371 Ma and
that the depositional age of that formation
cannot be considerably younger (Paoli et al.
In consequence of 1.-6., the stratigraphic footwall of
the probably unfossiliferous Civitella marittima
Formation is regarded as Carboniferous and not late
Permian to early Triassic. Therefore the estimated age of
the Civitella marittima Formation can also be Permian and
may be a partly temporal equivalent of the Permian
carbonate platform postulated by Pasini (1991). Because
the stratigraphic hangingwall may be late Permian in age
(see below), the supposed age of the Civitella marittima
Formation is early Permian.
It is maintained that the Civitella marittima
Formation unconformably covers the formation group
mentioned above, which filled the Carboniferous Farma
Basin and adjacent shelf area; and which originated very
probably in an extensional or transtensional geotectonic
Page 1252, right column:
- Concerning the Monticiano-Roccastrada Area, the
northward fining of the Civitella marittima
Formation cannot be confirmed: Ca. 5 km to the
north of the Farma Valley, identic coarse grained
conglomerate- and quartz sandstone-layers are
present in the Risanguigno Valley (300m SE point
332m) and in the Rifregaio Valley (500m NNW point
Pages 1253-1254: Aldinucci et al. (2008) interprete
the Civitella marittima Formation as fluvial-fan deposits
laid down under semiarid climate conditions. A different
opinion is given here:
- According to own observations, the colours
typical of continental redbeds lack or are rare
in the lower member and lower part of the
intermediate member of the Civitella marittima
Formation. Therefore these parts of the Formation
were never or rarely exposed to atmospheric
oxygen. This points to permanent subaquatic
depositional conditions for these parts of the
Civitella marittima Formation and excludes their
fluvial sedimentation under semiaride climate
According to the palaeogeographic key position of the
Civitella marittima Formation - at the turnpoint from the
marine Carboniferous formation group stratigraphically
below to the predominantly terrestrial redbed deposits
(Verrucano in sensu stricto) stratigraphically above -
the Civitella marittima Formation is interpreted as
regressive, shallow marine to litoral-deltaic deposit. It
is proposed that only these parts of that Formation,
which contain redbeds, are constituents of the Verrucano
It is astonishing that the substantial
thickness-fluctuations of the Civitella marittima
Formation, which are obviously caused by reworking of
Civitella marittima matter into the Monte Quoio Formation
and which indicate synsedimentary normal faulting
(Engelbrecht 1997a: 108), were not addressed by Aldinucci
et al. (2008a,b).
Page 1254 (Monte Quoio Formation):
- It is confirmed that in the Monticiano
Roccastrada Area the thickness of the Monte Quoio
Formation to the south of the Farma river is
reduced. Thinning and fining of the Monte Quoio
Formation in the present eastward direction was
observed additionally (Engelbrecht 1997a); but
this is in conflict with the profiles b and c in
Figure 9 on page 1262, which indicate thickening
and coarsening in that direction and which
obviously follow Canuti & Sagri (1974). The
absence of the Monte Quoio Formation in the Monte
Leoni cannot be confirmed: this Formation was
mapped there by Gelmini (1969): he measured clast
sizes up to 30cm within the - locally very thick
bedded - conglomerates of the Monte Quoio
Formation and estimated the thickness of that
Formation to ca. 300-400m (including the
thickness of the Civitella marittima Formation,
which was not differenciated in that work).
- The statement that "pebbles and boulders of
carbonate rock are especially common in the
conglomerates of the Farma Valley", is
unaccepable. Instead such constituents of the
coarse grained, poorly sorted, proximal fluvial
conglomerates occur normally as accessories; very
rarely they form discontinuous accumulations,
which only in that peculiar case can be addressed
as main and minor constituents within the
proximal conglomerates of the Monte Quoio
Formation. Such concentrates were found only at
three points (Engelbrecht et al. 1989: 368) in
the Farma Valley, which covers an area of ca. 30
km². One of these locations - Ferriera 263 m,
which is the one and only point, where the
carbonate clasts form main constituents in the
conglomerates of the Monte Quoio Formation - was
already described by Cocozza et al. (1975), where
they found reddish fossiliferous carbonate
clasts, which they attributed to the Skythian -
early Anisian. Revision and repeated sampling of
the same clast type - reddish carbonates - at the
same location lead to the detection of another
microfauna, which was determined by H. Hagn
(Univ. Munich, Germany), E. Flügel (Univ.
Erlangen, Germany) and M. Pasini (Univ. Siena,
Italy) as latest Gzhelian - early Permian. The
fossil content of other carbonate clast types
sampled in addition turned out to be not age
diagnostic (e.g. Spirorbis sp.). E. Flügel
(pers. comm.) stated that some of the objects
figured on plate 49 in Cocozza et al. (1975)
might also be of Permian age. It is important to
emphasize that the material for both
micropalaeontological analyses in Cocozza et al.
(1975) and Engelbrecht et al. (1989) was sampled
at the same location (Ferriera 263m) and from the
same clast-lithology (reddish, recrystallized
carbonate pebbles: constituents of several
m³-sized alluvial conglomerate-boulders in the
Farma River). These important circumstances were
explained in detail in Engelbrecht et al. (1989)
and Engelbrecht (1997). It is astonishing that
Aldinucci et al. (2008a) withdrew that
information, which makes it rather improbable
that these two fossil data differing in age about
50 Million years can coexist in the same
clast-type of the same
conglomerate-layer-fragment of the same
formation. The irregularity concerning downstream
rounding of the carbonate clasts - obvious in
histogram 3 in Engelbrecht et al. (1989:
368-369), may found on different sources or
different levels of one source, but more probable
on the fact that the carbonate lithologies
(reddish packstones, oolites and grey to yellow
dolostones) were not differenciated. It is
maintained that the fossiliferous reddish
carbonates sampled originated most probably from
one source. Therefore only one fossil datum and
not both fossil data can be correct. The
unfortunately worse preservation of the
microfauna described in Cocozza et al. (1975) is
obvious, if the plates in both publications are
compared. Therefore the age determination in
Cocozza et al. (1975) is regarded as deplorable
misinterpretation. In consequence, the latest
Carboniferous to early Permian relative age does
not exclude a late Permian age of the Monte Quoio
Formation, similar to that of the Alpine
Verrucano. This is in conflict with the statement
in Engelbrecht (2008: 298), which followed with
reluctance in that point the dogmatic age
attribution present in the literature since
nearly 35 years. The proximal source of the
reddish fusulina-carbonate-clasts probably was
the latest Carboniferous - Permian carbonate
platform (Pasini 1991) present above the South
Tuscan Palaeozoic siliciclastics.
In consequence, the interpretations of Aldinucci et
al. (2008: 1261-1263) concerning the middle Triassic rift
pulses, which are thought to be represented by the
Civitella marittima Formation and the Monte Quoio
Formation, are not acceptable. Deposits representing
equivalents of the middle Triassic failed rift fill at
Punta Bianca near La Spezia (Liguria) (Martini et al.
1986), which consists of two transgressive cycles, are
not present in the Monticiano Roccastrada area. Therefore
the approximate synchroneity postulated by Perrone et al.
(2006) for the deposition of the Verrucano Group in the
central-western Mediterranean Alpine Chains is doubted.
It is maintained that the Jurassic opening of the
Piedmont-Ligurian ocean between Adria and
Corsosardinia-Europe had rift-precursors not only in the
middle Triassic, but already in the Carboniferous, as can
be deduced from the deposits of the Farma Extensional
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Dr. Hubert