rer. nat. Hubert Engelbrecht* |
Dec.2017 | Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award: |
Nov.27.2009 | Biographical profile in 27. Edition Marquis Who's Who in the World 2010. More |
Jun.04.1998 | Contraction of marriage with Helga Pfoertner |
May.16.1997 | Doctoral examination in geology |
Sep.02.1996 | Submission of the thesis. 231 pages, 4 geological maps in colour, 6 enclosures |
Mar.1986-Mar.1989 | Research promotion by a scholarship granted by the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation in Munich |
Mar.1986-Aug.1996 | Doctoral study of geology. Title of the thesis: "On the geology of the Monticiano-Roccastrada-Zone (Southern Tuscany, Italy)". Supervisor: Prof. Dr. ..... (Ore mineralogist) |
Apr.09.1985 | Diploma examination in geology. Optional subjects:
petrography and geology of mineral deposits. Title of
diploma thesis: "Report on geological mapping work
as well as tectonic and sedimentpetrographic studies in
an area south of Monticiano (Tuscany)". 108 pages, 5
enclosures. Immediately followed by own geological studies in S-Tuscany/Italy in the Area of Monticiano-Roccastrada |
May.17.1979 | Pre-examination in geology. Optional subjects: physics and chemistry |
Nov.1977 - Apr.1985 | Study of geology |
Nov.1976-Jul.1977 | Study of physics |
Jun.25.1976 | School-leaving examination † |
Easter holidays 1974, 1975 | King’s School of English (Beckenham, London, UK): continuation training of English language |
Sep.1967-Jun.1976 | Secondary school Murnau. Optional subjects during intermediate grade: Economy, tabular bookkeeping and typewriting. Upper grade: mathematic - natural scientific branch |
Sep.1963-Jul.1967 | Boys' school Murnau (District Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany) |
1963-1976 | Schooling |
Actual projects: |
08.02.2017 | The first privately conferred distinction: disinheritance by the male creator: cold bread, deep-frozen |
30.06.2015 | Out of Murnau |
Mar.16.2015 | Thoughts about the anthropocene |
Nov.01.2014 | Participation at the inauguration of a museum of geology and archaeology of the Farma Valley (Library of Circolo ARCI - Associazione Ricreativa e Culturale Italiana - , Torniella, Italy). More |
Mar.06.2014 | Proclamation to the science community to get more engaged in the solution of actual problems. More |
Jan.16.2014 | Comment on "More peace and wealth because of useful and productive wars?" More (in German language) |
Jul.26.2013 | Comment on the resolution (Dec.15.2011) of an Upper Bavarian municipal council to clear up the NS-history of its small town. More (in German language) |
Nov.06.2012; Mar.15.2013 | Finding of early Carboniferous fossils in the Farma Valley, Italy: brachipods in the Carpineta Formation and Conodonts in calcareous turbidites of the Farma Formation. More |
Jan.-Mar.2012 | Origination of "money prayer" |
Apr.-Dec.2011 | Inventarization of the rock-, mineral- and fossil-collection (ca. 2400 samples) of my matrilinear great-grandfather |
Mar.-Apr. und Jun.-Jul.2011 | Elaboration of geological infoboards for the Hoellental Museum in the Wetterstein Mountains and at the mountain Wank near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany |
Jan.13.-Mar.15.2011 | Elaboration of the first geological map of the Wetterstein Mountains (scale 1:100000) by compiling diploma- and doctoral theses (1951-1963) written at LMU und TU Munich |
Feb.15./23.2011 | Formulation of two letters sent to a museum for the history of technique to improve its environmental friendlyness |
Jan.01.2011 | Essay against reprehensible anthropogenic violence online |
2005/2006 and 2010 | Inventarization of the rock-, mineral- and fossil-collection as well as biological objects from the estate of late Mrs. Dr. rer. nat. Ingeborg Haeckel (biologist) |
Jun.02.2010 | Proposal to create the Geopark Northern Calcareous Alps |
May.2009 | Inspection in the court-records concerning the NS-activities of my patrilinear grandfather and granduncle |
04.2009 | Finding of calcareous turbidites and sedimentary melanges in the Farma Formation, Tuscan Palaeozoic |
Apr.09.,Apr.28.,Jun.16.2008 | Cooperation in the film project Human Failure, Sentana Filmproduction GmbH, Munich. Sent: Jan.24.2009 at 09.50 pm by the Bavarian Broadcasting Company. First run cinema: Mar.03.2009 at 08 pm in Forum Cinema at Deutsches Museum in Munich. The documentary film got the "Avner Shalev Yad Vashem Chairmen's Award" during the Jerusalem International Film Festival 2009 |
Oct.06.1988-Feb.10.2007 | Successful mental liberation from a fascist-totalitarian-despotic clan by means of the help of medical specialists |
Nov.13.2007 | Virtual Geopark Werdenfels online |
Since Dec.2006 | Organization and service of the database "Land of thousand geotopes: the elements of the Geotope Area Werdenfels and surroundings" |
Mar.08.2006 | Meeting of a descendant of the cloth-trader-family mentioned below |
Aug.24.2004 | "The Werdenfels-Amber from geotope Langer Köchel". Short-documentation of the first finding of fossil resin (age: ca. 115 Million years) in Helvetic Units at the northern margin of the Calcareous Alps: Elaboration of an Infoboard in the geological section of the Schloßmuseum Murnau. More |
Apr.2003-Nov.2006 | Institution of a geological museum in the medieval castle Il Belagaio (Monticiano-Roccastrada Area, Province Grosseto, S-Tuscany, Italy). More |
Dec.14.2000 | "The geology of Langer Köchel in the Moorland of Murnau": Poster-contribution during the exposition "INDUSTRY AND NATURE - About the history of Hartsteinwerk (Quarry) Werdenfels in the Moorland of Murnau" in the Schloßmuseum Murnau (District Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany) |
Since 2000 | Continuation of geological mapping in the Area of Monticiano-Roccastrada (Südtoskana, Italien); start of the geological exploration of the Geotope Area Werdenfels (District Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany) |
2000-2004 | Assisting the book-project "Mit der Geschichte leben: Memorials, memorial places and memorative sites for the victims of Nationalsocialism in Munich" of my wife Helga Pfoertner. More |
Since 1996 | Learning computer, internet: Windows-Programs Word, Access, Excel; FTP, Frontpage Express. Since May 1997: Organization and service of a pro-bono database with referencial literature in environmental geology (actually ca. 8400 citations, linked to ca. 2300 keywords (online since April 1999) |
Jan.22.2001 | Recovery of a large trunk (42 cm x 52 cm x 142 cm), which was given during the "Third Reich" by a Jewish cloth-trader-family in Munich to confidants for custody and which was illegally ransacked by the confidants. Transfer of the empty trunk to the Jewish Community of Munich. More |
Since 1999 | Counselor tenant of an appartment house community in Munich |
Dec.19.1999 | Discovery of a faksimile-goldcopy of the Codex Aureus (9th century AD) from Regensburg (St. Emmeran) dumped in a barn and return at Dec.23.1999 to the owner of codex aureus, the Bavarian State Library in Munich |
03.1998 | Termination of my academic and economic "careers". Result: The profound and responsible search for truth was made impossible at that university faculty. |
May.1997 - Mar.1998 | Receipt of two letters, in which my petitions for
preparation of expert opinions concerning my
habilitation-project are rejected. Receipt of three "expert-opinions", which evalue the quality of my doctoral thesis and which reject my petition for a post-doc-scholarship (habilitation) promoted by the German Research Society |
Aug.16.1997 | Petition for a post-doc-scholarship (habilitation), promoted by the German Research Society (file number En 384/1-1). Title: "The Monticiano-Roccastrada - metamorphic - core - complex: fragment of a Late Alpine preligurian failed rift" |
May.03.1992 | Personal best run-time Munich Marathon: 2h 52min 8sec |
1986-1989 | First complete geological mapping of the Farma Valley (30km²) (Provinces Siena and Grosseto, S-Tuscany, Italy). ca. 900 fieldbook-pages; ca. 6000 tectonic measurements. The physical necessities - walking, ascending - were as follows: taking in sum ca. 1000 km horizontal distance and in sum ca. 35 km difference in elevation |
Dec.06.-10.1989 | Recovery of hundreds of rock-samples from Southern Tuscany, hundreds of pieces from drill cores (samples of the Banded Iron Formation) as well as ashlar-formatted and polished anorthosite-samples (from the Merensky-Reef) from South Africa, thin sections, polished ore samples and small cans with powder of rock samples for geochemical analyses, illegally dumped in the 2 m³ waste-pit in the backyard of the geological faculty of the LMU Munich. Fotodocumentation of that incident. More |
1985-1989; 1992-1993 | Pro-bono supervision of 25 diploma students of the "Working Group Southern Tuscany" at the geological faculty of LMU Munich |
1988-1989 | Pro-bono tutoring of Mr. Weiyuan Li in German language (PhD student at the geological faculty of LMU Munich) |
1982-1993 | Cooperation in the selfgovernment of a Munich hostel for students and workers (Wohnheimsiedlung Massmannplatz e.V.) ; representative caretaker and repr. sector-chief (1992-1993) |
Oct.08.-30.1983 | Geological excursion to South Africa |
Jun.1982 | Discovery of fusulinid foraminifera (fossil unicellulars of Late Carboniferous to Early Permian age) in the Verrucano-Group (Southern Tuscany, Italy) |
1976-1982 | Youth leader in the German Alpinist Association |
1974-1988 | Several rock-climbing tours in the Alps |
Sep.-Oct.1977 | Educational leave in USA: Ohio to Pacific Coast and back by car |
Languages: English, Italian | |
1971 | Presentation of Franz Liszt's piano-composition "Danse Macabre" during a cultural event in the concert-hall of the small town Murnau (Bavaria, Germany) |
Jun.22.1969 | District-winner in track-and-field-athletics |
1967-1975 | Compelled private tutoring: four years in Latin language and seven years and nine months in English language. Many cuffs on the head. I refused the remaining three months of compelled private tutoring in the English language to prepare for final examination |
Summer vacation 1967: on the sunny porch of a hut on an island in a lake in Upper Bavaria | Sitting at a table and reading in the schoolbook "Learning English - Volume 1". Severe affront by a teacher of modern languages sitting close by me. The corresponding content of the verbal outrage was: "Damned, for heavens sake, what a stupid boy this is. You surely will not be able to prove Your worth in the secondary school. But I am mercyful and so I will send You there to have a try." This was the beginning |
1965 | Begin of mobbing und bullying by class-mates. And really: all the others - also teachers - gaped; nobody helped |
1964-1965 | In the first and second grade of an elementary school: compelling to right-hand writing and making the sign of the cross in the catholic church with the right hand |
JOBS | |
Jan.01.2000-Dec.31.2003 | Collaborator at Deutsches Museum Munich: Advanced training for schoolgrades and teacher-groups in the sections Mining (Themes: Energy resources hard coal, brown coal, Crude oil), Environment, Energy technique, Chemistry and Physics |
Dec.27.1994-Dec.31.1999 | Workman at Deutsche Post AG. Four performance-boni |
Sep.02.1994-Jan.31.1995 | Cashier at PLUS GmbH |
Since 2013 | Dr. U. Jansen (Senckenberg Inst., Frankfurt); Dr. M. Piecha (Geol. State Authority, Krefeld) |
2008 - 2012 | P. Schwarz: research worker |
2000-2014 | Schloßmuseum Murnau |
05.02.2016 | Resurfaced household objects : Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016, 9(2), 229-252 |
Oct.04.2013 | Report about my comment concerning the resolution (Dec.15.2011) of an Upper Bavarian municipal council to clear up the NS-history of its small town. In German language |
Dec.2010 | Biographical profile in 11. Edition Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering 2011-2012: pages 503, 2229, 2450 (Category Physical Sciences: Geology) |
Dec.2010-May.2011 | Hinrichsen, J.: The suitcase in the museum. A meta-symbol of migration.- In: Selheim, C.: Traveling necessaries - more than only luggage. Catalogue of the exposition in the German National Museum Nuremberg. Pages 153-162. |
2009 | |
Nov. 2009 | 27. Edition (2010) Marquis Who'Who in the World : page 745 (Category Physical Science) |
May.07.2009 | Schenk, R.(2009): Who profited by the holocaust. Berliner Zeitung, Nr. 105, Seite 3 |
Mar.02.2009 | Sascha Keilholz (2009): Human failure. |
Sep.23.2008 | Fleckenstein, J. (2008): Persecution and extermination 1933-1945. In: Purin, B. (Hrsg.): City without Jews. The dark side of the city-history of Munich. Edition Minerva, Munich 2008. Pages 36-37 |
Apr.24.2008 | Aretz, M., Herbig, H.-G., Somerville, I. D.: Carboniferous Platforms and Basins. Geological Journal 43/2-3: 119-121. |
2006 | Jansen, A.: Geological excursion to the hump Langer Köchel.- The Daw 2006; 38-41 |
Aug.25.2004 | Discovery of amber in the Werdenfels Country |
2003 | Jordan, P.: Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 31: 8-9 |
Dr. rer. nat. Hubert Engelbrecht